Dr. Arun Chamria
Dr. Arun Chamria
- Dental Implant
- BDS in Implant
Area of Expertise
- One day Implant
- Surgical Techniques in implant
Dr. Arun Chamria
Chairman, Director & Founder
Dental Implant
Dr. Arun Chamria has done advanced training in surgical techniques in Dental implants at Germany under Dr. Manfred Lang and thereafter had advanced Training for fixing implants in poor bone at Los Angeles under Dr. Parel and Dr. Peter Moy. Dr. Arun Chamria also undertook training in ethical practice Management at Los Angeles. Dr. Arun Chamria also worked under Dr. Dahlberg and ors. at Sweden University Hospital and learned innovative technology in sinus lift and other advanced surgical techniques. Dr. Arun Chamria was also the first Indian Dentist to be associated with Computer Guided Implantology and learned the technique at Grenoble France much before the said technology being introduced by Nobel Biocare at Las Vegas in December 2005. Dr. Arun Chamria also learned the most advanced latest technology in dental implants known as “ All on 4 “.
Dr. Arun Chamria is one of the first dental surgeons to have light cure equipment in 1983 for cosmetic dentistry. He was Congratulated and Chosen for expertise in Implant community for paper presentation at World Congress on Oral Implantology (Highest platform in the World) on How to re-treat failed immediate load implants (‘Same day Fixed Teeth with dental Implants”) at Honolulu-Hawaii-U.S.A. in 2004. In the said conference the technique of ‘Same day fixed teeth with dental implants’ was accepted and a consensus was established. Previously the teeth were put after 3 to 6 months of implants insertion.
- This newer technique in most of the patients does not require the normal surgery of cutting the gums and putting sutures. It is called the ‘flap-less technique’.
- The requirement of anesthesia is very little and pain is 1/10th of the what one experiences on extraction of teeth.
- A person coming to the clinic at 9.0 a.m. in the morning without teeth can go with fixed teeth on same day and also have light dinner in the evening.
- The group company-Royal Health Care P. Ltd. Is also the member of Federation of Indian Exports Organization – apex body for Exports under ministry of commerce on account of dental services being rendered to foreign nationals and earning foreign exchange for India.
- The cost of treatment usually is about Rs.5.0 lac’s wherein similar treatment abroad would cost about Rs.50.0 lac’s.
- Patients from countries like USA; UK; Europe; South Africa; Africa, Australia usually prefer coming to India and at ‘Royal Dental’ which is the trade name registered since more than 10 years in India.
- The need of the day is to get good quality of life with minimal suffering and at the earliest. The two principal services we render satisfies our goal and need of the day.
- “Same day fixed teeth with dental implants even in virtually no bone.”
- “Straightening and beautification of teeth in one day.”
We are now actively working for rehabilitation of Dental cancer patients which is a big challenge. We have our lab where we have recently imported CAD-CAM machine and also CBCT imaging machine with FOV of 15×15 (one of the largest) and 3D printer which should help us in rehabilitating cancer patients fast, better and thereby help them lead a normal health life.
- 1983 - Founded ‘Royal Dental Clinic' with Single Chair Practice
- 1984 - Pioneer for Light cure composite in India
- 1990 - Introduced Same Day Pulp Therapy
- R1999 - Initiated concept of 'Same Day Fixed Teeth With Dental Implants'
- 2004 - Congratulated for expertise in Implant community at World Congress on Oral Implantology at Hawaii, U.S.A.
- 2008 - Special training for Zygomatic Implants i.e. Implants in Thin Maxilla and Mandible
- 2014 - Started using shock absorbing materials to better fix artificial teeth
- |2018 - Radical shift from Metal containing Zirconia prosthesis to Body friendly, Biocompatible Composite Polymers and 3D printing for advanced and challenging cases