by indiadenttour | Feb 10, 2021 | Dental Implants
Implanting Screws do not Screw Up the Smile of Patients! Since the time man has developed himself into a social animal, continuous challenges have made a man strong. Developments have been sprawling over several domains, including industries and agriculture. The...
by indiadenttour | Nov 20, 2020 | Dental Care, Dental Implants
Oral health and dental care are an important part of health care. Any fault in the teeth needs to be taken care of by seeking proper advice and treatment from an expert dentist to restore dental hygiene. Any issue with teeth can lead to further problems causing...
by indiadenttour | Feb 20, 2020 | Dental Implants
Factors for success of dental implants Dental implants are artificial root made of titanium or its alloys or ceramic or Peek or modified resins etc. They give support to the crown (cap) portion of the teeth. The crown is used for chewing. The inherent bone quality,...
by indiadenttour | Jan 28, 2020 | Dental Implants
We Have The Solution For A Smile You Have Been Hiding! If for some reason you have lost a tooth, it is normal to feel embarrassed and loose self confidence, especially when you smile. The good thing is that Royal Dental brings One Day solution to such problems that...
by indiadenttour | Jan 28, 2020 | Dental Implants
Time To Consider Same Day Dental Implants Every person deserves a celebrity like smile for their personality. Surveys suggest, 4/5 people chose their smile to be their best feature – which is great since your smile enhances your face and lends you a delicate look of...
by indiadenttour | Jan 28, 2020 | Dental Implants
Implants In Patients On Anti-platelets If necessary, it is advised to stop anti-platelet drugs for 48 to 72 hours before surgery and for 24 to 48 hours thereafter based on the advise of concerned physician before the implant surgery. In most cases of compromised...