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We Have The Solution For A Smile You Have Been Hiding

We Have The Solution For A Smile You Have Been Hiding

We Have The Solution For A Smile You Have Been Hiding! If for some reason you have lost a tooth, it is normal to feel embarrassed and loose self confidence, especially when you smile. The good thing is that Royal Dental brings One Day solution to such problems that...

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What To Do If My Teeth Are Mobile

What To Do If My Teeth Are Mobile? Teeth mobility is one of the most common concerns due to age advancement. If not treated at an early stage within time, the teeth may fall off on its own. To prevent teeth from falling due to teeth mobility there are various ways: If...

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Time To Consider Same Day Dental Implants

Time To Consider Same Day Dental Implants

Time To Consider Same Day Dental Implants Every person deserves a celebrity like smile for their personality. Surveys suggest, 4/5 people chose their smile to be their best feature – which is great since your smile enhances your face and lends you a delicate look of...

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Coping with STAINS: Will they go away?

Coping with STAINS: Will they go away?

Coping with STAINS: Will they go away? If you have stains on your teeth or your teeth are discolored, chances are that you have already gone to fantastic lengths to try to solve your problem. They may firstly not work well enough and, second, their failure may have...

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Implants In Patients On Anti-platelets

Implants In Patients On Anti-platelets If necessary, it is advised to stop anti-platelet drugs for 48 to 72 hours before surgery and for 24 to 48 hours thereafter based on the advise of concerned physician before the implant surgery. In most cases of compromised...

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